High concentration is the key to becoming a successful Hypermiler, I would even go as far to say that it requires more concentration to Hypermile effectively than to drive fast. Not only will lack of concentration keep you from getting the very most out of every drop of fuel, it puts both yourself and others at risk.

Being full focused and aware of road and traffic conditions is vital in ensuring you are Hypermiling correctly. Often it is other drivers that thwart the most epic of Hypermiling runs, so being aware of them ensures you can adjust your driving style accordingly and avoid them.

We suggest you:

  • Turn off your mobile
  • Turn off / down the radio or opt for a more relaxing station
  • Ask your passengers to keep noise to a minimum
  • Keep conversation with passengers to a minimum

These ideas may seem quite harsh but you will be surprised how quickly your Hypermiling efforts are effected when your mind is elsewhere. Its also a great way of keeping that annoying mother in law passenger quiet on those long drives.
