Proud of your sophisticated car security system? You are not out of the woods yet: the official statistics shows that vehicle thefts in the UK are stably increasing. About 86,000 cars were stolen in 2016 against 66,000 in 2013. Avoiding any car crime is almost a mission in the modern world of new security technologies. However, armed with proper knowledge, you can protect your automobile against offenders. Learning the models of the cars favored by criminals, safe and dangerous cities, precaution measures and some recommendations for choosing the right locksmith will allow you to avoid the much unpleasant experience of being robbed.


Consider yourself a lucky car owner if you reside in Norwich. Exactly, that is the safest city in the UK to leave your car with no fear. However, it is not the first to avoid car break-ins. Admiral research reveals top 10 of the most secure British cities in two categories

Theft Of A Car

  1. Norwich
  2. Newcastle
  3. Belfast
  4. Plymouth
  5. Brighton
  6. Portsmouth
  7. West London
  8. Southampton
  9. Peterborough
  10. Stoke

Car Break-in

  1. Belfast
  2. Newcastle
  3. Brighton
  4. Stoke
  5. Aberdeen
  6. Norwich
  7. West London
  8. Edinburgh
  9. Glasgow
  10. Portsmouth


Would you guess? No doubt, it is London! Approximately 26,500 cars were stolen in the capital only in 2016. This means there was one car pinched every 20 minutes! Lancashire and the West Midlands followed London. However, West Yorkshire showing a rapid 57% upswing between 2013 and 2016 became an actual hotbed for vehicle crime. These are the most hazardous cities for:


Theft Of A Car

  1. Central London
  2. Liverpool
  3. Birmingham
  4. South West London
  5. North West London
  6. Bradford
  7. Leeds
  8. Manchester
  9. Coventry
  10. South East London

Car Break-in

  1. Central London
  2. South West London
  3. North West London
  4. South East London
  5. Bradford
  6. Leeds
  7. Bristol
  8. Cardiff
  9. Birmingham
  10. Covent


Can your car attract thieves’ attention? Well, there are many circumstances and physical characteristics it has to have to end up on our list of endangered models and makes. First thing that put your automobile in danger is its protection: a thief with a bent wire unlocking the door of your 2016 Ford Fiesta is somewhat from fantasy movie today. Present-day criminals have an arsenal of tools, devices and hardware to beat the most advanced security systems! But don’t be afraid Britain’s best seller car is not in this list of the most frequently stolen automobiles! However, BMW, Range Rover and Mercedes are. Here is the detailed list:

  1. BMW X5 SUV – the most stolen car in the UK!
  2. Range Rover Sport
  3. BMW M3
  4. Mercedes C-Class
  5. Mercedes E-Class
  6. BMW 3 Series
  7. Range Rover Autobiography
  8. Range Rover Vogue
  9. Land Rover Defender
  10. BMW 5 Series


Well, don’t be upset if you live in one of the most at-risk cities or own the car from the list! Your mission is providing a-few-layers security for your car. And yes, you can do it!

First of all, never ignore simple and obvious safety measures, such as locking up your car every time you leave it and not placing any valuables in plain view. Speaking about valuables, we mean not only money, jewellery or electronics (phones, laptops, iPods, GPS navigators etc.) but also credit or debit cards, vehicle registration documents, your ID’s and private mail with your home address on it.

Park your car in a busy area – in front of a shop, residential or commercial building with official parking lot that is monitored by CCTV systems. At night, do not leave the car in a dark backyard or isolated, not lit area with an easy access.

Both wheel locks and steering wheel lock might seem old-fashioned ways of safeguarding the car but they actually work. The UK police advises car owners to use any visible lock to prevent vehicle crimes. An electronic immobiliser will be of a much greater use, though. If you have one.

Get security and alarm system and place a sticker on the car window – it deters would-be thieves from your property as many of them are just amateurs. If you have none, find a reliable locksmith to fit it or deal with any other safety issue, like rekeying the lock, installing a new one or programming remote and transponder keys.

This last task is also not an easy-to-do job. Before you decide addressing any locksmith, ask your friends or relatives if they know a trusted one; double check the company reputation through specialized forums to learn more about people you are going to trust your car protection. A dependable company will have its website and special cars with the logo, contact information and company title on it. Besides, never hesitate to ask your technician to show his/her business card and licence.

And last – insure your automobile. It will not stop the criminals but at least you will avail of it in case the worst happens!