For some people, hypermiling is a symptom of an obsession with numbers and the sheer curiosity about the limits of their machines. This type of hypermiling may result in people buying additives and tech to achieve the big numbers they desire.

For others, hypermiling is a means to an end. They want to increase the efficiency of their car so they can cut costs. This often fits into a wider programme of money-saving efforts like cutting back on unnecessary spending, switching from name brands to supermarket alternatives, and taking advantage of discounts and promotions run by retailers and entertainment companies.

This might include opting in for sign up bonuses at online platforms like Sky Casino where it’s possible to get £60 extra for a £10 deposit, finding money off vouchers in restaurants, and taking advantage of loyalty schemes like the Tesco Clubcard and Boots Advantage Card. 

So when hypermiling to save money, the most important thing to consider is whether the activity will actually pay off in any significant way. If a hypothetical fuel-saving device/technique costs £200 to buy but only reduces fuel consumption by 0.5%, you’ll only be saving £0.02-0.06 per full tank of fuel. So you’ll have to fill up thousands of times just to recoup the cost.

So here are the most effective hypermiling techniques you should consider using.

Don’t Drive

It sounds too obvious, but every time you don’t drive, you reduce your fuel costs by 100%. You have to weigh up the costs of alternative transport though, trains in the UK can be pretty expensive but they may also get you there quicker.

If you also consider parking costs, a journey into a large city centre like London, Manchester or Birmingham, you will almost always save money by leaving the car at home and using public transport or by walking.


Slow Down and Plan Ahead

Your three pedals (or two if you drive an automatic) have two basic functions: making the car speed up and making it slow down. Every time you press the accelerator, you spend money, the harder you press it, the faster you spend it.

Accelerating slowly, and not driving too fast can help reduce the amount of fuel used and money spent through your accelerator pedal. 

Secondly, your brake pedal throws away the money you’ve already spent by shedding speed. Every time you brake, you will need to spend more money to get back up to speed.

You can reduce the amount you need to brake by driving defensively. Don’t just look at the car in front, look further down the road so that you can anticipate what you will need to do ahead of time. 

If you see that there are traffic lights on red a quarter of a mile in front, you can begin lifting off the accelerator so that the car coasts. When a modern car is in gear and you’re not touching the pedals, the engine will not use any fuel, so your approach to the lights will be free.

The same tactic can be applied to sharp corners, congestion, and motorway slip roads.

Driving in this manner can easily reduce your fuel consumption by 30%. So if you spend £50 per week on filling up your car, you’ll save £780 over the space of a year. 

Maintain Your Car

It’s important to ensure your car is well maintained to keep you safe and to prolong its life. It can also help to keep it performing optimally and reduce its fuel consumption. Regularly checking the oil levels are right, using a thinner oil, and changing the air and oil filters once a year can all help to maintain a better fuel consumption.

Maintaining a good tyre pressure, whatever is recommended by your manufacturer, will make a significant difference to your fuel consumption. Underinflated tyres have increased rolling resistance, which means you’ll need to burn more fuel to overcome the additional friction.

You should also consider removing any excess weight, things like tools, golf clubs, and other unnecessary items will make your car heavier and require more fuel to accelerate. Roof racks and bike racks can have the same effect and will also add drag, so remove them when they’re not being used. 

There are many other techniques that you can consider, but these are the best and most effective solutions that you can start with. As you refine your hypermiling techniques you can begin introducing more to compound the benefits.